Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My experience with Comenius

When we first had decided that we wanted to be a part of the Comenius, it was then all the hard work started. We had to do a lot of work, both in and out of school. But we knew that it was going to be worth it. I think that the assignments that we got was kind of boring, but in the same time I learned a lot. When the katalan students were here in Vastervik, we did a lot of fun stuff. For example; we took a boat to Hasselo and spend a hole day there, that was fun. To have a person that is a complete stranger in your house that can be tuff. It's not only because you don't know the person, it's because your family usually have rutins that can be hard to change and also the person that comes to live with you have rutins so it can be hard for him or her to adapt to the family rutins aswell. But I think that if everyone are openminded there should be no problem. The experience of when the katalan students were here was incredible, it's not usual that you have the opportunity to meet other persons from a different country, that speak a different language and have other rutins. You can learn a lot from that, just to meet with these other human beings who's a lot different from what we're used to. When we came to Spain, the first moment when we walked down the pair of stairs from the airplane and the sun hit our faces, I think that everyone though that this was going to be the most wonderful experience of their lifes. And I think that it might has been just that, because it has been such a good and funny (and learning) time in spain and through all the time that we have been working with this project. In Spain we have done a lot of things, for one example we went to Barcelona for one day and it was amazing. I though that berga was much different from Vastervik, and it is, but Barcelona is even more different. It's a hole other experience to visit a small town than a big city, but to be in a big city is much more difficult, because there's so much more going on there and to keep track of 33 young students there must be so much harder. It's hard to explain how you feel about the hole thing when you're not so sure what more you think of it then that it's amazing. But one thing that I can be sure of is that I will remember this experience for the rest of my life.
That was all from me. Adios, Goodbay, Adeo and Hej dá...

Thursday, October 21, 2010


¡Hola! ¡Estoy en España!! Es 15ºC y 20ºC en la sol. ¡Mucho calor!
We came to spain last tuesday and the moment we walked out of the airplain, the sun hit our faces, it was wonderful. Compared to what we left behind, a grey sky and rain. The flight took almost 3 hours and before that we had taken the bus from Vastervik to Skavsta. And after we had come to Barcelona we had two more hours to spend in a bus. But around 3o'clock we were finaly in Berga and the katalan students were there to welcome us. We left almost right away to our different houses and ate lunch. In the afternoon we gathered a group and walked around in Berga. It's a very beutiful city.

The next day we went to school with our katalan friends and had some lessions with them, and after lunch, that we ate at 2o'clock! (not something that I'm used to exactly), we walked around in Berga and we ate at a very nice café. At half past 5 we walked back to school to meet the katalans. And in the eavning we went for a walk too. And in the late eavning/night we watched a soccer match. It was Barcelona vs. Kobenhagen and Barcelona won with 2-0.

Today we went to school and we were supposed to write this post but the computers didn't work so I'm writing it now. Instead of writing the post we watched a movie "High school musical 2", and some were playing basketball as well. And later we went for another walk but in another direction. At one o'clock we went to a café and we helped them bake some tipical katalan cookies. (It wasn't really cookies but I don't now what to call them) We also got to eat some of them. And right now I'm writing this and later I'm gonna see if someone else wants to do something. That's it for now. So far I have had a lot of fun and I'm sure it's gonna be even more fun as the time goes.
¡Adios y hasta luego!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Una receta
5 zanahorias
400 gramo carne (en fragmentos)
1 cebolla
10 granos de pimientos

Una olla grande
Una cacerola pequña
Un sartén

Hacerlo aquí:
Pelar y cortar las zanahorias en rodajas. Añadir una cacerola y hervir. Luego, agregar la harina en un bol y rollo de la carne en la harina. Desarrolla una sartén y a la carne asada con una nuez de mantequilla. Freír la carne hasta que haya recibido un color marrón agradable. Añadir la carne en una olla grande. Pelar la cebolla y añadir en la olla también. Añadir una nuez de mantequilla y harina en un sartén y revolver. Luego tomar el caldo de zanahoria y verter en la sartén. Revuelo en una salsa. Sabor con sal y la soja. A continuación, vierta sobre la salsa a la olla y agregar las zanahorias y los granos de pimientos. Se deja hervir y luego cocine a fuego lento en una hora y media o hasta que la carne esté tierna. Mientras se cocinan los alimentos, escala las patatas y hervir. Servir hace con remolacha.

Consejos! No empiece con las patatas de vapor se trata de una media hora a la izquierda de olla.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Lucía se celebra el 13 de diciembre. Es un comienzo a la Navidad. Se acostumbra a celebrar Lucía con una procesión de Lucía y se come bollos de azafrán y jengibre. En la procesión, Lucía está en el centro, un número de “tärnor”palabra sueca que se dice a los niños que llevan estrellas y tambien están los duendes. Lucía tiene un camisón blanco con una cinta roja en la cintura y con una de corona velas en la cabeza. Los niños con estrellas también tienen su camisón, y en lugar de la corona tienen un cono en la cabeza con las estrellas y los duendes tienen un vestuario de duende. Lucía se celebra con menudo en las escuelas, guarderías y lugares de trabajo. Durante la procesión de Lucía se canta muchas canciones referentes a Lucía y en algunos casos, se invita café. Algunas canciones famosas de lucía son¸ ”santa lucia”, ”La noche de los pasos pesados”, ”goder afton i denna sal”, ”lusse lelle” y ”staffan era un caballerizo”.

Folclore antiguo
En el pasado se creía que la noche de Lucía era una noche peligrosa donde muchas fuerzas sobrenaturales estaban a punto de arrasar el tiempo. Se creía también que los animales podían hablar durante la noche de Lucía. Todos los preparativos de Navidad, incluso podría estar listo antes del día de Lucía y se celebraba con un poco de comida que uno creía que era muy rica. También se daba a los animales alimento extra. La celebración de Lucia ha evolucionado mucho desde entonces lo que es hoy la fiesta de Lucía.